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What is Philosophy?

The discipline of philosophy is concerned with sustained reflection on central questions of human existence and experience. It provides an opportunity for the study of, and reflection on, issues of ultimate and general nature, which have exercised the minds of humanity throughout the ages. These issues relate to questions of ultimate meaning and human values, which instil in the human mind a sense of wonder and leads to inquiry and perennial investigation of questions that have deep significance in their relation to the human condition and the nature of being in general.


  • Teaches us to reflect on human intellectual history in areas of deepest concern to us.
  • Forces us to ponder questions, the answers to which we assume in our daily lives without first asking the questions.
  • Helps us to be more critical and systematic in our thoughts, speech and writing.
  • Questions the methods and practices of all other areas of knowledge, e.g. science, history, law, language.:

Philosophy Major, Minor & Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate Courses

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